The Power of Peers: How networks of educators can work together for lasting improvements

Omni Parker House Hotel, Kennedy Room | Boston, MA

Too often, educators tackle problems in isolation. But when we come together to address challenges, we multiply our ideas, expertise, resources, and knowledge. Networks of educators can work together to find solutions for the problems they share, each benefiting from seeing what works and what doesn’t work in other classrooms, schools, or districts. Join us on October 3 to hear about successful networks in Massachusetts and across the nation and learn how this approach can help educators find and implement solutions that stick. 


  • Tracy Fray-Oliver | Deputy Executive Director of Programs and Implementation, Bank Street Education Center
  • Bethany Fillers | Director of Improvement Networks, Tennessee Early Literacy Network
  • Christina Porter | Director of Humanities, Revere Public Schools
  • Ventura Rodriguez | Associate Commissioner, Statewide System of Support, MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
  • Juanita Zerda | Director of Implementation, Rennie Center


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