Data Stories

To dig deeper into indicators featured on our Data Dashboard, we will be releasing a series of Data Stories. Each will analyze data trends that have a significant impact on students, educators, and the Massachusetts public education system as a whole.


Educator Diversity

State and nationwide studies overwhelmingly affirm the association between educator diversity and metrics like test scores, dropout rates, gifted program representation, and student-teacher communication for students of color. Yet at schools here in Massachusetts, there are four times as many students of color as staff of color. This Data Story digs into the nuances of these numbers, looks at the effects on students, examines how educator diversity was impacted by the pandemic, and outlines proposed initiatives to increase educator diversity. Read More >


Newcomer Students

In recent years Massachusetts schools have seen a surge in newcomer students—a term used to refer to students who have receently arrived in the country and are new to our education system. This group of students, who are often highly resilient and eager to learn, need heightened academic, language, and social supports to thrive in an education system that was not designed for their success. This Data Story analyzes state funding to examine which districts have received proportionally higher amounts of supplemental funding under the Emergency Housing Assistance program. It also highlights examples of communities that have dedicated time and resources to promoting positive experiences for newcomer students and includes resources that offer guidance and support to educators as they seek to better serve newcomer students. Read More >

Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Rethinking the teaching profession has never been more urgent—longstanding challenges in education are leading to unprecedented rates of burnout, job dissatisfaction, fewer people entering the profession, and many leaving it altogether. Our latest data story analyzes statewide enrollment and completion rates in teacher preparation programs, MTEL pass rates, and teacher retention data, among other metrics, to uncover trends in the teacher pipeline. The data highlights why systemic changes are necessary to strengthen and sustain the teaching profession. Read More >