Massachusetts Charter Schools & Their Feeder Districts: A Demographic Analysis

October 2004

The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy at MassINC's report details the results of its recent study exploring the demographic profiles of charter schools in Massachusetts as compared to the districts from which they draw students. This analysis of student population data informs the ongoing debate on the funding, effectiveness, and possible expansion of charter schools.

The principal finding of the report Massachusetts Charter Schools & Their Feeder Districts: A Demographic Analysis is that charter schools across the state currently enroll more students in some population categories when compared to their feeder districts, but enroll fewer students in other categories. Specifically, the study shows that the charter schools serve proportionately more African American students than their feeder districts. However, charters proportionally serve fewer Hispanic, Asian, low-income, special education, and English language learning students than expected based on district demographic patterns. Both sets of divergence from feeder district demographics are more pronounced in charter schools in urban areas than in suburban and rural districts, where enrollment more closely mirrors local communities.

In addition to presenting statistical data on student demographics, the report includes a number of corollary findings relevant to public policy.

  • Many families need more information about the full range of school options available to them.
  • The majority of charter school students live in the neighborhoods where their schools are located. Thus, just as a regular public school in a given Boston neighborhood would not exactly mirror the demographic profile of the entire Boston Public School system, a charter would not either.
  • More than one third of the Commonwealth's charter schools are located in Boston.
  • Charter schools currently serve less than 2 percent of the public school students in Massachusetts, but demand for charters exceeds current supply.
  • Recent state funding changes have now created a formula by which charter schools receive the same amount of state dollars per pupil as traditional districts.