2020 Data Dashboard
This tool provides an in-depth look at school performance indicators highlighted in our Condition of Education in the Commonwealth report. Users can delve deeper by looking at different student groups and progress over time. This data is collected from the MA Department of Early Education and Care; MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; MA Department of Higher Education; US Census Bureau; US Department of Education; and America's Health Rankings.
2020 Action Guide
Measuring Student Success: Innovative Approaches to Understanding Diverse Learners
This year's Action Guide examines the need for new ways of measuring student success. Academic test scores are just one method of measuring student progress, offering an incomplete picture of student learning and growth. Educators and state leaders recognize that serving all students well requires focusing on their individual needs, including mental health and social-emotional development as well as academic progress, but our assessment system has not kept pace with these demands.
A more comprehensive and equitable approach to assessment requires innovative ways of thinking about how to capture the full scope of students’ experiences and understanding. The report focuses on three key areas: supporting the whole child, serving all students, and building multiple pathways to college and career. It aims to help schools and districts identify new approaches to assessing student success that supplement existing methods of testing, allowing educators to see whether investments in programs or initiatives are addressing persistent disparities in student outcomes and supporting all students to thrive.