Our Research

Our independent research explores a variety of cutting-edge issues facing public education to guide discussion and decision-making around education policy and practice.

June 2024
Early college presents a unique opportunity to support students in developing foundational skills needed to access college level coursework, particularly in ELA and math. As Massachusetts looks to expand early college programs, we teamed up with the Massachusetts Alliance for Early College on a new practice brief to help practitioners support students’ development of foundational skills with the goal of building strong on-ramps to college level coursework.
June 2024
This report outlines a slate of effective practices for sub-degree credentialing programs and recommends strategies to overcome common challenges these programs face. Using lessons learned from the Industry Corps program at Wentworth Institute of Technology, this report highlights key considerations for higher education institutions looking to expand postsecondary career and technical education.
October 2023
This blueprint aims to help schools address the roadblocks many students face as they seek a career in a STEM field. It guides schools through the process of earning a state-level designation for a STEM pathway program, detailing the steps of launching a successful program from ideation to iteration and design. The blueprint also includes state-level recommendations for building a more equitable, clearly communicated, effective STEM pathways system in Massachusetts. 
July 2023
This blueprint, intended to guide schools and districts in developing school-community partnerships to support unhoused youth and their families, combines research-based best practices with lessons learned from homelessness programs nationwide. It details the process schools can undertake to design and implement a program, providing tools and templates to support this process along the way.
December 2022
Massachusetts has received $2.9 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding, with the vast majority going to districts. How is this money being used? And what challenges do districts face in spending such a large amount of money effectively? To find out, our EdImpact Research Consortium created a Data Dashboard to track and analyze spending in 24 key districts. To dig deeper into the successes and challenges districts have faced in allocating ESSER funding, we produced a case study that takes a closer look at four of the state's largest districts.
August 2022
This case study examines how an initiative in Boston is supporting STEM programming for middle school students through collaboration with out-of-school-time programs, Boston Public Schools educators, and local STEM industry partners. We delve into the data to track its progress over the past few years, its potential for continued impact, and how it can be used as a replicable model for communities in other regions. 
The Pioneer Charter School of Science II —winner of the 2021 Pozen Prize for Innovative Schools—was founded out of a deep belief that all students can achieve academic excellence and become successful professionals in today’s competitive world. Since the school received its charter in 2013, it has regularly outperformed state averages in standardized test scores and graduation rates. This case study explores how Pioneer educators empower students to set ambitious college and career goals, provide rigorous instruction to make students’ goals a reality, and offer individualized support to ensure that every student has the tools to succeed in a demanding environment.
January 2022
The 2022 Condition of Education Action Guide highlights the critical need for our education system to better support teachers as they navigate the COVID-19 crisis and adapt their practice to be more trauma-sensitive, culturally responsive, and innovative. We offer recommendations for investing in teachers right now as well as putting a system in place to provide long-term support for current and future educators.
November 2021
This report delves into the inequities among superintendents and other leadership roles in Massachusetts public schools and analyzes the cultural, systemic, and institutional barriers that woman and people of color face when aspiring to these leadership positions.
June 2021
This policy brief makes the case for Massachusetts to design and pilot a new assessment and accountability system that measures deeper learning, prioritizes cultural responsiveness, and provides timely information to educators, students, families, and policymakers.