Our Research

Our independent research explores a variety of cutting-edge issues facing public education to guide discussion and decision-making around education policy and practice.

January 2021
The Banneker was founded in 1996 by a group of Cambridge-area Black parents and community leaders concerned that their children did not have access to high-quality education. Despite dedicated staff and a deep commitment to the school’s mission, the school struggled for much of its first decade. But since 2003, the Banneker's performance has skyrocketed. This case study delves into the school’s secrets of success, including its comprehensive support for teachers, culture of trust among staff, and commitment to affirming each student and staff member’s culture.
January 2021
This report examines the critical role community plays in education, providing recommendations for how schools, families, and community organizations can build on their collaboration during the pandemic to work toward a more equitable approach to education.
October 2020
This case study explores how the Harvard-Kent Elementary School in Charlestown, winner of EdVestors' 2019 School on the Move Prize, made impressive academic gains by engaging teachers to create a school culture where students feel valued and where learning is experiential and engaging.
August 2020
Our Back-to-School Blueprint is an interactive series of research-based, online action guides to help schools prepare to support students as they return to learning (whether in-person, virtually, or a mix of both) amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
August 2020
The transition from high school to college is challenging under normal circumstances. But this year—with students ending high school remotely and potentially starting college virtually—this transition may seem nearly impossible for too many students. This report looks at how Wentworth Institute of Technology is addressing these challenges through their summer bridge program.
January 2020
This annual status report looks at a range of state-level indicators of school performance to illuminate areas of success and areas for continued improvement across the education pipeline. This year's report examines the need for new ways of measuring student success.
January 2020
In Boston and Providence, after-school program leaders have been working to formally recognize students’ real-world skills through an innovative credential called a digital badge. This report shares successes and lessons learned from this effort, providing guidance for organizations exploring opportunities to support and acknowledge students’ non-academic skills.
November 2019

This case study documents the transformation of the Donald McKay K-8 School in East Boston, winner of EdVestors' 2018 School on the Move Prize, into a school community where students and teachers have the freedom to be creative, to learn by doing, and to experiment with new methods of learning that are relevant to students’ daily lives.

September 2019
This hands-on guide is meant to help high school and college partners design and implement effective Early College programs. It explores research-based best practices and lessons learned from Early College programs across the state and nation.
July 2019

In the United States, one in nine young people is neither in school nor working. That’s 4.5 million Americans between the ages of 16 and 24. This population, known as Opportunity Youth (OY), is disconnected in a way that can lead to lower lifetime earnings and a higher likelihood of social isolation.