Our Research

Our independent research explores a variety of cutting-edge issues facing public education to guide discussion and decision-making around education policy and practice.

January 2006
This 2006 white paper on postsecondary access and persistence of career and technical education graduates, particularly those with disabilities, was produced in collaboration with the Center for Labor and Market Studies at Northeastern University. The findings are based on data about nearly 4,600 high school students from the Classes of 2004 through 2006 who graduated from seven vocational-technical high schools in Massachusetts.
January 2006
This report ays out an action agenda for large comprehensive high schools and to clarify what needs to happen at the school, district and state levels in order for sustainable change to take effect. The report explores three interrelated pieces of the reform puzzle, each of which is an essential component of whole school improvement. These pieces are: personalizing the learning environment, building teacher capacity, and setting and meeting high expectations for all students.
April 2005
This 2005 report clariies the state's role in helping schools and districts address their needs. Schools and districts--disproportionately those that serve low-income and non-white students--are struggling and need tools, resources and assistance to raise student achievement. Drawing on research with principals and superintendents in struggling urban districts, this report offers considerations that the state develop its intervention capacity in specific areas where school administrators cite the greatest need.
January 2005
This paper focuses on recent changes in the ways in which state education agencies (SEAs) and districts collaborate with one another. The paper includes examples of collaboration in which SEA officials and district and school leaders engage in practices to directly or indirectly improve instruction, and concentrates on examples where staff members of the SEA engage directly with staff members of local districts and schools.
October 2004
This 2004 report details the results of a study exploring the demographic profiles of charter schools in Massachusetts as compared to the districts from which they draw students. This analysis of student population data informs the ongoing debate on the funding, effectiveness, and possible expansion of charter schools. The principal finding of the report is that charter schools across the state currently enroll more students in some population categories when compared to their feeder districts, but enroll fewer students in other categories.
April 2004
This 2004 report seeks to advance the practice and policy discussion around alternative pathways to mastery, and encourage the Commonwealth’s leadership and educators to continue the systemic development of academic pathway options for all of Massachusetts’ students.
April 2004
Massachusetts policy makers have begun to demonstrate a commitment to confronting and helping resolve the complex challenges that face the early childhood education system in the state. This 2004 brief is the product of a secondary analysis of existing data and research on governance in early childhood services across the nation and within the Commonwealth.
October 2003
This 2003 brief proposes inclusion of a value-added component-a goal to Massachusetts' accountability plan for schools and districts in meeting federal NCLB mandates. This brief presents conclusions about how and why Massachusetts should supplement its current accountability system with value-added analysis. Noting that a value-added analysis is not a substitute but rather as a complement that adds breadth and depth.
October 2003
This 2003 brief highlightsfindings from interviews with superintendents in Massachusetts seeking to document and communicate their insights and concerns about NCLB's implementation in Massachusetts. This report clarifies the key concerns of selected superintendents as well as suggest some direction for resolvuing these concerns at a national level.
January 2003
This 2003 study provides independently gathered evidence to better inform policymakers and researchers and to draw attention to policy issues that require further attention and investigation on school choice mapping research to fill the information gap.